Joaquim Chancho. Joaquim Chancho. Anys 70
18 April - 07 June 2024

Joaquim Chancho. 1970s

Joaquim Chancho. 1970s

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This is the first exhibition that Marc Domènech Gallery dedicates to the artist Joaquim Chancho (1943). More than thirty pieces, including paintings and works on paper, have been selected to review the artistic production that the artist carried out during the 70s. Many of them have never been exhibited before and trace a complete journey through all the formal investigations that the artist launched during a period that Chancho himself described as “a time of great working intensity as well as of great radicality”.

Despite the major exhibitions held by the Artur Ramon and René Metràs galleries, in 1975 and 1976 respectively, and the most recent institutional retrospectives, Chancho’s work from this period still remains  unknown to the general public. Therefore, this is the first time in more than forty years that an exhibition has been organized in order to examine and analyze the works of such a relevant decade in his artistic evolution urging us to address it with the attention it deserves.


Horitzontals 5, 1973

Lineal 20, 1973

Inscripcions ocre i gris, 1978

Inscripcions taronja i carmí, 1979

Horitzontal amb taques, 1972

Doble significat, 1982

Exhibition views

Exhibition View

Exhibition View

The curator, Frederic Montornés, and Joaquim Chancho in his studio

