. Jacques Léonard. Vintage
07 May - 23 June 2016

Jacques Léonard. Vintage

Jacques Léonard. Vintage

Five reasons to visit the exhibition:
1.- Important set of 16 vintage copies of one of the most unknown photographers in Barcelona of the 60s and 70s .
2.- Images that have never been exhibited before.
3.- Photographs that reveal a varied array of private daily aspects of the so-called ‘Gipsy Barcelona’.
4.- Photographs that break away from the picturesque, folkloric and anecdotal photographs that many of his celebrated contemporaries took of the Gipsy.
5.-This exhibition also wants to commemorate a significant event: the 50th anniversary of the demolition of the last standing barracks in Somorrostro.
Jacques Léonard (Paris, 1909 – l’Escala, 1994)
Jacques Léonard settled down in Barcelona in the early 1950s after falling in love with Rosario, a gypsy model who lived in the slums of Montjuïc. While there, Léonard abandoned his career in film and began working professionally as a photographer. Francesc Català-Roca provided him with his first contacts, and he contributed to La Vanguardia and La Gaceta Ilustrada. Members of the community opened the doors of their homes to Payo Chac, as he will always be known in the gypsy community, so that he could take photographs as a kind of notetaker of their daily life.
Jacques Léonard. El Payo Chac documentary: