Formes, signes, gests. Del biomorfisme a l’expressionisme abstracte
13 June - 13 September 2024

Group Show

Formes, signes, gests. Del biomorfisme a l’expressionisme abstracte

Group Show

Forms, Signs, Gestures: From Biomorphism to Abstract Expressionism is an exhibition that brings together a diverse group of works by extremely different artists. By using unusual organic forms, illegible calligraphies and impetuous strokes, these artists formulate an alternative, sometimes even implausible and convulsive way of representing the environment around us. The exhibition covers the 1930s until the present day, inviting us on a journey through works that challenge our gaze. Either through the materials used (bamboo, wood shavings, wire, felt, jute, polystyrene, stone, etc.) or through the plastic technique applied (collage, assemblage, fabric), the works on display allude to the need to subvert certain established norms of representation, while showing us a disorientating and unattainable world that requires tools to strip off the false sequins that subjugate it.

List of artists:
Karel Appel | Erwin Bechtold | Esther Boix | Rafael Canogar | Le Corbusier | Joan Furriols | Maria Girona | José Guerrero | Ramon Guillén-Balmes | Joan Hernández Pijuan | Antoni Llena | Alberto Magnelli | Henri Michaux | Georges Noël | Manuel Ángeles Ortiz | Jordi Pablo | Joan Rabascall | Jean-Paul Riopelle | Josep Royo | Jaume Sans | Antonio Saura | Joaquín Torres-García | Esteban Vicente | Moisès Villèlia

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-23 a las 17.45.19


Moisès Villèlia

Móvil, 1980 - 81

Ramon Guillén-Balmes

Panòplia, 1992

Henri Michaux

Untitled, 1967

Georges Noël

Une page sur le jour, une page sur la nuit, 1962

Joan Rabascall

Regard sur le Jazz, 1965

Esther Boix

Foc, 1971