From Léger to Dubuffet. Signs and gestures from the C. 20th
01 December 2011 - 28 February 2012

Group Show

From Léger to Dubuffet. Signs and gestures from the C. 20th

The gallery presented this exhibition with the aim to offer a partial revision of the avant-garde movements of the last century. The show covered the period from 1910, with an early drawing by Léger, to the 1970s with a series of collage works by Jean Dubuffet. The exhibition pretends to demostrate how artists like Miró, Masson, Calder, Vasarely, Feito, Tàpies, used signs and gestures in their canvases, papers and sculptures, as a means to go well beyond the traditional imitation of nature.


Julio González

Femme aux gerbes de blé, 1929

Auguste Herbin

Maternité, 1927

Fernand Léger

Le trapéziste et l'ecuyère, 1953

André Masson

Étude pour 'Composition', 1930

Maurice Estève

La charrue, 1948

Albert Gleizes

Untitled, 1920
