. ARCO E-XHIBITIONS. Vicenç Viaplana
01 March - 31 March 2021

ARCO E-XHIBITIONS. Vicenç Viaplana

ARCO E-XHIBITIONS. Vicenç Viaplana

ARCO E-XHIBITIONS. Vicenç Viaplana. Visions and cadences
“In the language of music, a cadence is the end of a musical phrase containing pauses or points of diminished tension, giving it a suspensive nature. […] The word has another meaning, when referring to one of the parts of a concerto: a passage when one of the musicians has the opportunity to display his/her virtuosity, be it Niccolò Paganini on violin or Frank Zappa on guitar. This exhibition fits perfectly with both meanings of this musical term. On the one hand, it reveals Viaplana’s virtuosity in drawing and painting, and on the other, it invites us to immerse ourselves in the tensions generated by each of the proposed dialogues, which end up becoming a suspensive cadence that makes us want to find out more about what there was before and after, and what might come next in his work.” (Montse Frisach ‘Unconscious visions, cadences in suspension’)
