Maria Helena Vieira da Silva

Maria Helena Vieira da Silva

1908 - 1992


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Lisboa, 1908 – Paris, 1992

Maria Helena Vieira da Silva was born on June 16, 1908. Between 1919 and 1927 she studied drawing, painting and sculpture. She quickly, and together with her husband, frequented artistic and cultural environments in the city of Paris. She will exhibit on numerous occasions.

Her painting, capable when she likes of ‘painting what is not there as though it were’, is a way of penetrating into the world of the numinous, a form of exploration and gaining knowledge, an epistemology of the sensible, in which real and unreal, factual and imaginary, are inextricably mingled and intertwined.

Although she was a painter for the most part, she also experienced other aspects. She continued painting during the 1980s and her later work focuses on light, both in the color range and in the subject matter itself. In the 80s she filmed a film about her work with her husband.

She was a French citizen since 1956 and died on March 6, 1992 in Paris.