Joan Rabascall 1960-1970’s
Joan Rabascall
Le rendez-vous du jardin, 1964
Regard sur le Jazz, 1965
Jupe, 1966
Posta de Sol, 1985
From Big Bang to Big Brother, 2011
Barcelona, 1935
Studies at the Massana Higher School of Decorative Arts, Barcelona 1951-57. He arrived in Paris in 1962 thanks to a scholarship and since then he has resided mainly in this city.
Since 1964 he has exhibited in different European countries as well as in the United States, Brazil, Japan and South Korea and has participated in several editions of the Paris and Venice Biennales.
Rabascall uses his art as a denunciation of traditional artistic forms, questioning even what until then had been the concepts of beauty, technique or quality. He is a pioneer in the use of new mass media.