Joan Ponç

1927 - 1984


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Barcelona, 1927 – Sant Pau, 1984

Joan Ponç Bonet was born in the Sarrià neighborhood of Barcelona, he studied drawing and painting in Ramón Rogent’s workshop. He meets Joan Vinyals, his first dealer, and Joan Brossa. In 1946, and in Bilbao, he held his first exhibition, which ended up being a failure. This, added to an exhibition that he does in Barcelona and which will not be very successful either, leads him to an economic crisis.

In 1948, the year of the creation of the group and the magazine Dau al Set, he met Joan Miró who would have a strong influence on his work. During 1949 he experienced a certain economic recovery and exhibited in the Laietanas Galleries and the Salón de los Once. But, from this moment, and until 1953, he noticeably lowered his artistic production. He will travel between Paris and Sâo Paulo, where he creates an Institution dedicated to plastic research.

Joan Ponç’s work is full of surreal magic and complex themes; it’s important also highlight his work as an engraver and the illustrations he makes for some works by J. V. Foix, Joan Fuster and Luis Goytisolo.