Alberto Magnelli

Alberto Magnelli

1888 - 1971


Pierres, c.1931

Pierres nº 4G, 1933

Conciliabules distraits, 1935

Untitled, 1936

Untitled, 1941

Untitled, 1959


Florence, 1888 – Florence, 1971

Alberto Magnelli is one of the foremost artists of the first half of the 20th Century and one of the few who best represents each and all of the most relevant aspects of the fine arts during that important period. Attracted to Cubism and futurism, he felt nevertheless the urge to remain independent and therefore, stayed away from any classification. In his early years he made an extraordinary use of colour and moved between the figurative and abstraction styles. In the 30s he painted his famous “Pierre” series and later on, became immerse in geometrical abstraction. During the 50s and 60s his geometrical work becomes more complex but stays clear from compositions strictly ruled by symmetry.