Xavier Escribà "Where we come from, where we are"

Xavier Escribà. "Where We Come From, Where We Are"
Xavier Escribà. "Where We Come From, Where We Are"
Xavier Escribà. "Where We Come From, Where We Are"
Xavier Escribà. "Where We Come From, Where We Are"
Xavier Escribà. "Where We Come From, Where We Are"
Xavier Escribà. "Where We Come From, Where We Are"
Xavier Escribà. "Where We Come From, Where We Are"
Xavier Escribà. "Where We Come From, Where We Are"
September 29th - November 14th 2016


Hereby we present you the artist's book that has been published on the occasion of the exhibition "Xavier Escribà. Where we come from, where we are. "
This artist's book, with only 47 copies available to the public, is the only testimony that will remain from the ephemeral project that this fall has been exhibited during 47 days in our rooms and which will come to an end on November, 14th.
This exclusive box-shaped book contains a booklet, all reproductions of the 48 elements that make up this monumental project and an original and unique painting that, as Xavier Escribà himself describes it, is an "original work as memory of the process lived.  Paint matter born from the experience accomplished. "
Price of each Artist’s Book: 500.-€



De loin, c’est une grande rature, un trait de plume furieux, un accès de rage infini, au-delà du réel.
Ou une très très longue cicatrice.
Cette seconde allure de cicatrice, d’estafilade, se vérifie quand on s’en approche. Son aspect organique s’impose, comme un long tube de viande qui saigne… Qui goutte régulièrement.
Dans cet élan, des traces, de la matière, une vie qui s’avance, comme démoniaque…
Folie pure et pourtant agrippée à ce qui semble le plus essentiel, de basique.
Un rêve surréaliste et charnel. Un œil que l’on tranche.
La vitalité d’un artiste unique, Xavier Escribà, et son rêve terrible et heureusement sensuel…

Edouard Waintrop
(Critique de cinéma)

This is a unique, ephemeral project made up with forty-seven correlative paintings which, in a continuum sequence, run along the entire space of the gallery.
This work will exist during the 47 days of the exhibition and it’s meant to represent the artist’s need to portray his life in a kind of modular pictorial biography which follows a synechdochic pattern where memories and experiences lived are trapped under an acrylic coat, in each chromatic section, in the scars of the wrought iron and inside each of the suspended drops along 95 meters and 30 centimetres.
Where we come from, where we are, a project of Galeria Marc Domènech, is Escribà’s most daring, monumental, emblematic yet intimistic work so far.